Mr. Saikou Kawsu Gassama (PhD.) gathered up to seven years experience in Non-Governmental Organisation and project/programme management, governance and partnership building using the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) in the fight against poverty and injustice the world-over.
Mr. Gassama served in various capacities within the Civil Service at Senior Management level up to the position of Secretary to Cabinet. He possesses sound experience in public policy analysis, public service and public sector reform management, security analysis leading and managing a national Cabinet Office. He also possesses expertise in diplomacy, foreign policy analysis, and decision-making, coordination of partnership between the UN System and the central Government, as well as advanced research skills.
Mr. Gassama has more than 6 years experience as a full time lecturer and teacher at university level in the field of political science, public policy analysis, peace and conflict studies, International law, diplomacy and foreign policy, sustainable development, international relations, local governance, decentralisation, politics and development among others.
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